
QAPLA! (SUCCESS!)... In her vigorous youth Aperokai was a warrior, but as she grew older, shefound the noble and peaceful profession of gardener. Many other peoples think that Klingons don't eat vegetables and fruits, but they do, for lack of such foods in one's diet can lead to bodily impaction which is very detrimental to the health and vigor of a Klingon!!!

Thursday, November 23, 2023


She was glorious." – Worf, 2373 ("Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places") Traveling to Deep Space 9, she confronted Quark, learning that the death was an accident. Kidnapping Quark, she brought him back to Qo'noS, where she forced Quark to marry her at knifepoint. By doing so, Grilka was able to prevent the council from dissolving her House, which had been temporarily renamed as the House of Quark. Quark and Grilka soon discovered that D'Ghor had been manipulating Kozak financially. When D'Ghor was willing to murder Quark in cold blood, Chancellor Gowron realized that Quark's accusations were true. D'Ghor was discommended by Gowron and the High Council. Afterwards, the council granted Grilka special dispensation, allowing her to lead the House on her own. Grilka granted Quark a divorce, and assumed leadership of her House, now known as the House of Grilka. (DS9 episode: "The House of Quark") During the Empire's conflicts with the Federation and the Cardassian Empire, Grilka's House suffered serious losses in both personnel and equipment. Returning to Deep Space 9, she asked Quark once again for financial advice. While Worf was quite interested in her, Grilka instead renewed her relationship with Quark. (DS9 episode: "Looking for par'Mach in All the Wrong Places") Before or during the Dominion War Grilka took J'nek, a warrior serving on her ship, as her mate. Near the end of the war she bore him a daughter, Koren. J'nek was killed in action during the war. (STO mission: "Day of Honor") In 2385, she became romantically involved with Worf. The next year the couple married and in 2388 she gave birth to her first son, K'Dhan. (ST website : The Path to 2409)

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