
QAPLA! (SUCCESS!)... In her vigorous youth Aperokai was a warrior, but as she grew older, shefound the noble and peaceful profession of gardener. Many other peoples think that Klingons don't eat vegetables and fruits, but they do, for lack of such foods in one's diet can lead to bodily impaction which is very detrimental to the health and vigor of a Klingon!!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

KLINGON ANIMALS #7, --- The Sargh...

The sargh is a swift Klingon horse-like creature that runs wild in the more mountainous parts of Oo'noS, esspecially on Kang's Summit and in the Tlhlngtuj Mountains of Ketha Province where it's foals have to beware of the saber bear and klongats.  However, with pointed teeth, unlike the Terran horse's teeth and razor-sharp hooves, the sargh is far from defenseless.  It's not very large even at maturity, and hard to tame although it can and has been done; many Klingons wonder why [???]

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