
QAPLA! (SUCCESS!)... In her vigorous youth Aperokai was a warrior, but as she grew older, shefound the noble and peaceful profession of gardener. Many other peoples think that Klingons don't eat vegetables and fruits, but they do, for lack of such foods in one's diet can lead to bodily impaction which is very detrimental to the health and vigor of a Klingon!!!

Monday, April 29, 2024

Martia, ~ The Sexy Shapeshifter in "the Undiscovered Country"...

Yellow-eyed Martia, a stunning charoot-smoking female alien, was played by model and actress Iman, wife of singer David Bowie. She made Kirk and Mc Coy's aquaintance when they were sentenced to the frozen Klingon prison planetoid Rura Penthe. Martia convinced Kirk and Mc Coy to help her escape the planetoid, taking them along with her. But, she eventually betrayed them, and was killed.

RECIPE: How To Make Raktajino Coffee...

It's not complicated... For Earthers, it's just espresso coffee with nutmeg, black pepper and brown sugar, rum optional. Some like to put a froth of whipped cream on top of it and sprinkle a little cinnamon over the whipped cream. Btw, Klingons also like chocolate, but they only like it unsweetened, so you could use a little of that too. I like those widebottom raktajino coffee mugs. I had one years ago, handmade, of course, on a potter's wheel.

Oh, DEFINITELY do that because they're born pregnant!!!...

It Rains All The Time On Ferenginar... ICK!!!!!!!!... :(

There are 178 words for rain in the Ferengi language.

Trills: People With Worms Inside Them...

How Did The Trill Symbiont Evolve?...

The Results Of Klingon Love Making...

Scratches, bruises, even broken bones, BUT Klingons, being Klingon, are VERY PROUD of such marks... Yes, Worf REALLY does have a thing for Grilka. He eventually married her. I was glad, ~ a much better match for him than a Trill. Jadzia Dax annoyed me. She's so wise. Shes so beautiful. She's so smart. She's so clever and so funny. She's such a great, skilled, brave fighter. =She's so wonderfully perfect and everybody absolutely just loves her!... Gack!!!

Sunday, April 28, 2024


One of the COOOO-OOOL things about the Klingons was, although they were villains they WERE attractive...

With their fierce eyes and abundant, long, spiral locks, but those Discovery Klingons are absolutely hideous... YUCK!!!... No-no-NOOOO!!!...

You probably know that an astounding amount of people can't do the Vulcan salute..

Their fingers just don't work that way...

NOW, ~ you can't tell me Worf doesn't secretly LIKE Data's Cat Spot... ;)

A Ferengi Tries To Communicate With A Dog...

"You Embezzled Money From The Grand Nagus?"...

What Klingons Don't Do...

"Klingons DON'T laugh!" "Klingons DON'T allow themselves to be probed!" (Giggle) RIGHT!!!!... LOVE IT!!!!!!... :D


Klingon Pig ~ A Targ...