
QAPLA! (SUCCESS!)... In her vigorous youth Aperokai was a warrior, but as she grew older, shefound the noble and peaceful profession of gardener. Many other peoples think that Klingons don't eat vegetables and fruits, but they do, for lack of such foods in one's diet can lead to bodily impaction which is very detrimental to the health and vigor of a Klingon!!!

Friday, June 14, 2024

The Most Famous Quotes From Worf...

Despite the Klingon love for combat and warfare, they were an incredibly honorable species that held tight to their traditions. When Star Trek: The Next Generation introduced Lieutenant Worf (Michael Dorn), the first Klingon to join Starfleet, fans didn't know what to expect. He was often very literal when he spoke, quick to anger and more than willing to engage enemy forces, but it wasn't long before he became an honored member of the crew and a friend to many of his shipmates. Because of his troubled family history, Worf struggled with fatherhood when it was unexpectedly thrust upon him. He didn't always know how to interact or bond with his son Alexander, which sometimes led to strain between them. Worf served on the Enterprise under Captain Picard (Patrick Stewart) until its destruction, and after a brief period of self-reflection he joined Commander Benjamin Sisko (Avery Brooks) on Deep Space Nine to help him deal with the Klingons after they invaded Cardassia. He became a permanent fixture on DS9, even falling in love and getting married to Trill Lieutenant Commander Jadzia Dax (Terry Farrell), whose former host Curzon had a deep rapport with the Klingons and love for their culture. Across the franchise, Worf appears in more episodes than any other character, and fans never seem to get enough of him. Regardless of the position Worf found himself in, he almost always had something memorable to say. The virtual king of stunning, Stoic one-liners, even his reappearance in the final season of Star Trek: Picard provoked a cornucopia of hilarious quotes that will be forever remembered. >>> "A warrior does not let a friend face danger alone." Season 5, Episode 17 of Star Trek: TNG introduced a race called the J'naii. Once a bi-sexed species, as they evolved it became primitive for one to identify using gender, but Commander Riker's (Jonathan Frakes) interactions with a scientist named Soren instigated physical attraction between the pair. Soren admits that though it is considered taboo among her people, she secretly identifies as female, but can never reveal this because they would cure her against her will. When Soren is taken to be forcibly cured, Riker plans to rescue her and provide asylum aboard the Enterprise, at which point Worf offers to attend him to the surface. After all, there will be danger, and it would go against everything he believes in to let his friend face it alone. >>> "Klingons do not procrastinate. It is a tactical delay." When Riker (Jonathan Frakes) accused Worf of procrastination in Season 7, Episode 2, "Liaisons" the Klingon's witty response revealed his actual reason for taking his time. It would seem Worf wasn't a fan of dress uniforms, as they reminded him too much of women's dresses. As Riker admonishes him for his sexist and outdated mode of thought, the pair exit quarters to meet with the onboarding dignitaries. Calling procrastination a tactical delay may just make it sound official enough to be overlooked when looking for a good excuse. >>> "Klingons do not pursue relationships. They conquer that which they desire." Worf spoke those words to Data after he sought his advice on pursuing a romantic relationship with crewmate Jenna D'Sora in TNG Season 4, Episode 25. That does seem to sum up what one might expect from a Klingon romance, but when it came to his relationship with Jadzia Dax on DS9, it was hard to tell which one was the conqueror. Worf was smitten with Jadzia in ways it's almost difficult to imagine had it not been right there on the screen. While their marriage and relationship was deeply rooted in Klingon traditions, Jadzia did reveal a softer side of Worf that made him all the more endearing. >>> "One's personal space is a right." When word got out that the final season of Picard would feature a reunion of TNG's treasured crew, fans couldn't wait to see what had become of their favorite Klingon. Surprisingly, Worf had changed quite a bit since his last appearance. Following a zen path and practicing peaceful meditation, he seems much less quick-to-anger than the old Worf, but he still values his personal space. Given how much people began to value their personal space during the COVID-19 pandemic, Worf's timely reminder should keep everyone in check going forward. >>> " And I will make it a threesome." Worf always had this way of speaking literally without much thought for how it might translate to others. So, when Riker tells Picard he's not going alone into enemy territory, Worf chimes in with that hilarious line. Even Riker doesn't know what to do with it, asking, "Do you even hear yourself?" While a lot of fans weren't overly enthralled with the final season of Picard, it did provide a ton of fan-service with iconic Worf lines like that, which it so much easier to overlook the glaring plot holes. >>> "You have never seen death? Then look, and always remember." No one in the galaxy was more ill-prepared to become a single dad than Worf. His approach to fatherhood was often questionable to humans, which was odd because he was actually raised by humans himself after he was orphaned. When his son Alexander's mother was murdered, he didn't let the boy look away. He wanted him to remember what death looked like and be unafraid. While that may seem startling, forcing a child to stare at death was a very Klingon response. Klingons don't view death the way other cultures do, and while his son was part human through his mother, he was still Klingon, and Worf tried to reinforce that every chance he got. >>> "Thinking about what you can't control only wastes energy..." Despite his lacking skill as a father, Worf once gave young Wesley Crusher (Wil Wheaton) the best advice imaginable when he fretted over being confronted by his greatest fear for a psych exam. Pointing out that focusing on what one can't control was a waste of energy, he added that it only created another enemy in need of battling. Despite his staunch warrior demeanor, Worf openly admitted to Wesley that his own greatest fear was depending on others to keep him alive, and it was a fear he faced every single day. >>> "I am Klingon. If you doubt it, a demonstration can be arranged." Because Worf was raised by humans and his father Mogh was considered a traitor by his own people, he faced a lot of ridicule when it came to Klingons. One of the most aggressive sources of ridicule was his brother Kurn (Tony Todd), who constantly called his devotion to their heritage into question. Unafraid to come head to head with his own brother, it took a long time and many skirmishes before the two of them made tentative peace with one another. >>> "I have slaughtered countless enemies over the years..." When reunited with his old crew during Picard, there was talk about why some of them hadn't exactly kept in touch over the decades that spanned their last encounters. Worf had the most plausible excuse of all, telling them, "I have slaughtered countless enemies over the years and considered sending their heads to all of you, but I was advised that that was… passive-aggressive." Even as an old Klingon in search of peace and zen, Worf's unique and Stoic sense of humor still remains one of his most admirable qualities. >>> "Today is a good day to die." Among Klingons, the words "Heghlu'meH QaQ jajvam" are readily spoken before going into battle. Roughly translated into "Today is a good day to die," is a testament to the Klingon willingness to give everything they have to the battle ahead, even their life if it is needed. Worf was actually the first Klingon to speak these words in the third season of TNG, when he told his father's most powerful rival, "It is a good day to die, Duras, and the day is not yet over." ~ From "Screenrant".

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