
Qapla! (Success!)... In her youth Aperokei was a warrior as many Klingons are, both male and female, but as she grew older she found the noble profession of gardener. Many other peoples think that Klingons don't eat vegetables and fruits, but they do, for lack of such foods in one's diet can lead to bodily impaction which is very detrimental to the health and vigor of a Klingon!!!

Friday, December 22, 2017

FAMOUS & INFAMOUS KLINGONS, #9, --- General Martok...

Little backstory is given regarding the early life of Martok, except for a brief history sketched by himself in the Deep Space Nine episode "Once More Unto the Breach". It is known that he was born into a Klingon house (The House of Martok) that was not part of the aristocracy and was raised in the Ket'ha lowlands on the Klingon homeworld of Qo'noS. This area is considered a wasteland by the Klingons.  But, Martok managed to marry Sirella, who was of an aristocratic house.  He said she was proud and arrogant, still he loved her greatly, even when she allowed his faithful elderly pet targ escape into the wilds.

Martok's family had been reputable soldiers and had loyally served the empire for 15 generations, although not as officers. It had long been the wish of his father Urthog to have young Martok become an officer and so he enlisted the aid of officers he had earned the respect of and eventually was able to get one to sponsor his son to the Klingon academy. The application was submitted to the Oversight Committee but was rejected by one member, Kor, due to the elitist views of the legendary Klingon warrior regarding the honor and prestige of the "great houses". With a rejection on his record from such a legendary officer, Martok could no longer even serve as a common soldier. He opted to serve, regardless, and spent five years as a civilian laborer on General ShiVang's flagship. During his service the General's ship came under surprise attack by the Romulans. They attempted to board the ship at which time Martok took up arms and defended his General, successfully repelling the invasion. His performance and bravery in battle caught the eye of General ShiVang, who granted him a battlefield commission as an officer. Martok earned the rank of Lieutenant after the Battle of Tcha'voth that earn him a spot as tactical officer aboard the Klingon Cruiser Gothspar, captained by Kultan (ST:DS9 Books: The Left Hand of Destiny). At Martok's introduction to the series, he had attained the rank of General.

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