
QAPLA! (SUCCESS!)... In her vigorous youth Aperokai was a warrior, but as she grew older, shefound the noble and peaceful profession of gardener. Many other peoples think that Klingons don't eat vegetables and fruits, but they do, for lack of such foods in one's diet can lead to bodily impaction which is very detrimental to the health and vigor of a Klingon!!!

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Nyota Uhuru, ~ Communications Officer...

Nyota Uhura was born in 2237 in Kenya on the continent of Africa on Earth, where she grew up in a village near Lake Simbi Nyaima. (In Swahili Her first name means "star". Her last name means "freedom".) She had an aptitude for mathematics and languages. By 2259, Uhura was fluent in 37 languages, including Andorian, Vulcan, and Swahili as well as 21 other languages spoken in Kenya. (TOS: "The Man Trap", "The Changeling", "Spectre of the Gun"; SNW: "Children of the Comet") During her youth, she was able to run the hundred meter dash in record time. (TAS: "The Slaver Weapon") Uhura originally intended to attend the University of Nairobi, where both her parents were teachers. However, shortly before the beginning of her studies, her parents and brother were killed in a shuttle accident. She abandoned her original plans as attending the campus was too painful for her. Uhura went to live with her grandmother – who had herself served in Starfleet during her youth – and later followed in her grandmother's footsteps by attending Starfleet Academy. (SNW: "Children of the Comet", "Lost in Translation") Starfleet career... While at the Academy, Uhura wrote three papers about famed linguist Hoshi Sato of the Enterprise NX-01. (SNW: "Those Old Scientists") USS Gallant... Uhura would serve aboard the USS Gallant prior to her assignment to the USS Enterprise as a cadet. For Starfleet Remembrance Day in 2259, she wore a pin memorializing the crewmates she had lost from this ship. (SNW: "Memento Mori") USS Enterprise... Captaincy of Christopher Pike... Cadet Uhura's first Starfleet assignment on space duty began in 2259 when she was assigned to the USS Enterprise on communications rotation duty under Captain Christopher Pike, who described her as a "prodigy". (SNW: "Strange New Worlds") In spite of this, she was concerned about whether Starfleet was the right choice for her and if she could handle the duties required of her. (SNW: "Children of the Comet") Her first away mission occurred shortly thereafter, when she landed on the comet C/2260-Quentin along with Spock, La'an Noonien-Singh, and George Samuel Kirk, in an effort to prevent the comet's collision with the planet Persephone III. She was assigned to the away team due to the discovery of an artificial structure within the comet; it was hoped that her knowledge of linguistics, like Kirk's expertise in xenoanthropology, would assist in understanding its nature and averting the threat. After Kirk was severely injured and the away team was trapped, Uhura was called upon to decipher the markings on the surface of an egg-like object within the structure. Despite her misgivings and insecurity in the dangerous situation, she was inspired by a pep talk from Spock to rise to the occasion. When she hummed the Kenyan traditional song Vamuvamba as she worked, the away team realized that the structure was responding to her music. She then used her musical talent to attempt to communicate with it. After the mission, she analyzed the structure's musical response and discovered that it had precognitive ability. (SNW: "Children of the Comet") The Enterprise's chief engineer, Hemmer, would take Uhura under his wing and question her about her path in life – a question she didn't have an answer for. He reminded her of his late father, who had also pushed her to see things differently. (SNW: "Memento Mori", "All Those Who Wander") While assigned to Lieutenant La'an Noonien-Singh she impressed the strict chief of security with her diligence and ingenuity. (SNW: , "Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach") When an alien consciousness from the Jonisian Nebula brought the fairy tale The Kingdom of Elysian to life on the Enterprise, Uhura was used for the character of Queen Neve. Uhura didn't remember the events after the ship was returned to normal. (SNW: "The Elysian Kingdom") When Uhura's assignment on the Enterprise was nearing its end, she was still unsure if she should remain in Starfleet or not. She was then part of a mission to the USS Peregrine, which had made a crash landing on Valeo Beta V and was confronted by young Gorn who hunted the landing party. When Hemmer was infected by Gorn eggs and sacrificed himself for his comrades, he encouraged Uhura to open herself up to others and remain in Starfleet. At his funeral, she acknowledged how much Hemmer meant to her and by guiding her, he had succeeded in his life goal of "fixing what was broken". (SNW: "All Those Who Wander") Nyota Uhura, 2259... Ensign Uhura... In the months that followed, Uhura graduated from the Academy and was commissioned as an ensign and continued to serve aboard the Enterprise. (SNW: "The Broken Circle") During the Enterprise mission to the Brannon's Nebula, Uhura was contacted by a newly discovered species of extragalactic lifeform that lived there. (SNW: "Lost in Translation") Sometime early in her career she once performed the delicate work of rigging a subspace bypass circuit, a fact she noted years later when she attempted to perform such a task aboard the Enterprise. (TOS: "Who Mourns for Adonais?") Captaincy of James Kirk... After Pike's promotion to fleet captain, Captain James T. Kirk assumed command of the Enterprise in 2265, with Uhura remaining for the transition. In the years that followed, she proved to be a proficient technician and was considered by Captain Kirk to be a capable and reliable bridge officer, manning the helm, navigation, and main science station when the need arose. (TOS: "The Man Trap", "The Naked Time", "Balance of Terror", "The Galileo Seven", "Whom Gods Destroy") It was previously stated by Mr. Adventure, set in 2285, that Uhura was "a twenty-year space veteran," during his complaints having an shore duty assignment, which theoretically coincided with her time serving with Kirk. Uhura was depicted in the novels The Art of the Impossible, Catalyst of Sorrows, and Vulcan's Soul: Exodus as later going on to achieve the rank of admiral and becoming the head of Starfleet Intelligence in the 24th century, serving into 2377. According to The Autobiography of Jean-Luc Picard, Uhura was the President of the United Federation of Planets in the year 2327. The Star Trek: The Next Generation Officer's Manual mentions a ship named the USS Samara Uhura, which is presumably named after Uhura, as her first name "Nyota" didn't become canon until Star Trek. In Star Trek Cats, Uhura is depicted as a Burmese cat. ~ From "Memory Alpha Fandom".

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