
QAPLA! (SUCCESS!)... In her vigorous youth Aperokai was a warrior, but as she grew older, shefound the noble and peaceful profession of gardener. Many other peoples think that Klingons don't eat vegetables and fruits, but they do, for lack of such foods in one's diet can lead to bodily impaction which is very detrimental to the health and vigor of a Klingon!!!

Monday, May 27, 2024

Spock's Mom Amanda...

Amanda Grayon was born on Earth around the turn of the 23rd century. (TOS: "This Side of Paradise"; TAS: "Yesteryear") Captain Spock once implied that she was a descendant of Human author Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country) Her family had a genetic predisposition to dyslexia. (DIS: "Light and Shadows") According to, Amanda Grayson was born in 2210. When Amanda was young, her mother was known to say to her daughter, "Isik for your thoughts." She never explained to her daughter what an isik was. (DIS: "Will You Take My Hand?") Marriage and family... During the late 2220s, Amanda met Sarek, the Vulcan Ambassador to Earth. The two later married, and she returned to Vulcan with Sarek. (TOS: "Amok Time") In later years, in describing his parents' relationship, Spock stated that his mother "considered herself a very fortunate Earth woman." (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver") According to the Star Trek Compendium (1st ed., p. 127), an early draft of the script for TOS: "Journey to Babel" suggested that Sarek and Amanda had been married for "thirty-eight (Vulcan?) years"; in Earth years, this would suggest 2230. The two were in the city of ShiKahr where Amanda gave birth to her only son, Spock, in 2230. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier; TOS: "Journey to Babel"; TAS: "Yesteryear"; Star Trek Beyond) A few years later, Amanda and Sarek adopted Michael Burnham after her parents' death. (DIS: "Lethe", "Brother") In an alternate timeline created by the death of Spock in 2237, Amanda and Sarek separated and she returned to Earth, where she was killed in a shuttle accident at Lunaport. (TAS: "Yesteryear") Sarek wanted Spock raised in the Vulcan way, with displays of emotion discouraged, and Amanda had to learn to hide her emotions. Amanda later admitted that she gave Burnham all of the emotional love and support she had not been permitted to give Spock. (DIS: "Point of Light") While under the influence of polywater intoxication, Spock regretted that he "could never tell her that he loved her." (TOS: "The Naked Time") Likewise, years after her death, Sarek, while suffering from Bendii Syndrome, regretted not having been tender to Amanda and having never told her how much he loved her. (TNG: "Sarek") Amanda had learned that Spock inherited her family's genetic predisposition to dyslexia and developed L'tak Terai as a result. Amanda helped Spock overcome his learning disability since the Vulcan Learning Center's methods were ineffective. Spock once spoke of Amanda's fondness for reading the works of Lewis Carroll. She often read stories, such as Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass, to both Spock and Burnham during their youth (TAS: "Once Upon a Planet"; DIS: "Context Is for Kings") as it was one method to help Spock. (DIS: "Light and Shadows") After the logic extremists bombed the Vulcan Learning Center, Burnham tried to run away to Earth. Sarek and Amanda were about to alert the Vulcan High Command to begin a search effort, when a being that Spock called "the Red Angel" appeared to him and pinpointed Burnham's location, and Sarek found her before the outskirts of ShiKahr. Amanda and Sarek had thought that Spock had used logic to help locate Burnham and wrote off the "angel" as a figment of his imagination. (DIS: "Point of Light") In 2249, Amanda told Burnham to retain her Human side and gave her a copy of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland as a mother's gift. She later expressed shock at Michael's rejection from the Vulcan Expeditionary Group, citing her academic record as proof of her worthiness to join it. (DIS: "Lethe") Burnham continued to carry the copy with her after her conviction and imprisonment, including aboard the USS Discovery. (DIS: "Context Is for Kings")

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