
QAPLA! (SUCCESS!)... In her vigorous youth Aperokai was a warrior, but as she grew older, shefound the noble and peaceful profession of gardener. Many other peoples think that Klingons don't eat vegetables and fruits, but they do, for lack of such foods in one's diet can lead to bodily impaction which is very detrimental to the health and vigor of a Klingon!!!

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Uhuru's Romance With Scotty...

In 2287, Uhura and Montgomery Scott were to take shore leave together. As Scott was unable to leave the Enterprise-A, she brought him dinner. Later, she began to show some romantic interest in Scott while being under the influence of Sybok. Scott, nevertheless, politely declined the advance, mindful of her "condition" and realizing that she was in fact a "convert". (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier) Scott and Uhura Uhura and Scott (2287)... Scott helped Uhura and Chekov look up Klingon phrases in antique books in 2293 while trying to cross the border into Klingon space to rescue their jailed colleagues. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country) In an interview for the Star Trek: The Official Fan Club Magazine (issue 73), when asked about whatever there was any romantic involvement between Scott and Uhura in Star Trek V, Nichelle Nichols answered that they are just friends and there never was any romantic interest between them. The idea was further developed in the 1989 Star Trek (DC volume 2) comics where Scott and Uhura discussed about what happened while she had been under Sybok's influence and they reiterated that they are just friends. Uhura wanted to apologize for her behavior stating that she wasn't herself, Scott nevertheless understood that Sybok had lifted "the burden of guilt" in her because deep down a part of her regretted repressing all her dreams of love and a family in favor of a career only. In the book Yesterday's Son, Scott kissed Uhura after the two starred in a play together. In the book Prime Directive, Scott and his friends were separated for a time. After they all meet back up again, they share hugs (Scott was so happy that he even slapped Spock on the back with a beaming smile on his face). It is described that "Uhura's hug was the longest and most intensely felt of the greetings Scott gave and received." ~ From "Memory Alpha Fandom". However, I think there was a lot more going on under the surface... In "The Voyage Home," Uhuru seems to have some very tender feelings for Scotty... And, a little more about Uhuru >>> I agree with the video... Uhuru was not given enough interesting coverage on the original Star Trek. I haven't seen all the new Star Trek shows, but I'm looking forward to doing so, and observing Uhuru's expanded character. Uhuru eventually became a captain and a starship was named after her. She was one of my favorite Star Trek characters. I had the feeling that at first women on Star Trek were added as only an interesting sideline, with their short-skirted uniforms, but the development of Uhuru's character showed how important female members of Starfleet could be, as strong women took vital places in future episodes.

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